

The German Society would love to stay in touch beyond your time in Cambridge and help you connect with other German Society alumni and alumnae at home and around the world.


The Alumni Community is conceived as an organic network of Cambridge University German Society alumni and alumnae through which members can seek mentorship, career advice, or simply someone to get a beer in their neighbourhood. It is thus at once a professional network and a social community.

To enjoy the benefits of our Alumni Community, sign up for our Alumni Newsletter and join the Alumni LinkedIn and WhatsApp groups. We encourage all alumni and alumnae to participate actively in their local and various global interest groups – share your experiences, host events, and help us grow this dynamic community!

While the Alumni Newsletter and LinkedIn group offer a more formal link to the German Society and your fellow alumni and alumnae, the WhatsApp community permits informal and organic interaction. There are various sub-groups for different locations and fields of interest which you can join to chat, connect and meet with other members. Some of the regional and subject-specific groups active in our WhatsApp community are shown on the map and adjacent lists.

In addition to our own Alumni Community, you may also want to join your local independent alumni club in Germany. We have ongoing co-operations, for instance, with the Cambridge Alumni Club at Frankfurt, who also hosts a regular Stammtisch.

For more information about the Alumni Community and how to get involved, please reach out to our Alumni Relations team at

To subscribe to the alumni newsletter, just use the form on the right. You will receive an email to confirm your address by either replying to it or simply clicking a link. If you encounter any problems, feel free to contact at